Wray Ward to Present on Improving Marketing Measurement and ROI at Home Improvement Research Institute’s Spring Conference

  • Categories:

    Agency News

  • Date:

    April 7, 2014

Wray Ward to Present on Improving Marketing Measurement and ROI at Home Improvement Research Institute’s Spring Conference

Agency News

Wray Ward’s vice president, Kent Panther, will present “Improving Marketing Measurement, ROI and Effectiveness: The Latest Tools” at the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) 2014 Spring Conference on April 10.

The presentation, tailored to manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers from the home improvement industry, discusses the latest ways to measure strategies from traditional advertising and public relations to social media and retail marketing.

“The pressure to evaluate and report on the success of marketing efforts has increased significantly over the past several years with the increase in available marketing channels,” said Panther. “It can be quite overwhelming for home and building product manufacturers whose primary focus is on developing the best product for their customers. The good news is that new measurement tools are more powerful and easier to use than ever.”

Panther brings nearly 25 years of experience in strategic planning and marketing communications to his role at Wray Ward, an insights-driven creative marketing communications firm with expertise in the home and building category. During his career at Wray Ward, Panther has worked with brands such as Duke Energy, Hunter Douglas Window Designs, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Mohawk Flooring, Rheem Gas Furnaces, Springmaid Home Fashions, Sunbrella and VELUX Skylights. Panther has also worked with Michelin, Mr. Coffee, McDonald’s Restaurants and Coca-Cola in the past.

HIRI is a membership based, independent, not-for-profit organization; its primary research includes baseline and tracking studies that profile characteristics, attitudes and buying behaviors of consumers and professional remodeler customers. Its mission is to be recognized as the primary authority for effective, useful information about home improvement products and services in North America.

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