Should you date your blog posts?

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    Content Marketing

  • Date:

    June 21, 2022

Should you date your blog posts?

Content Marketing

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool that helps brands foster engagement and build their business. In fact, companies that produce blogs generate nearly 70% more leads per month than those that don’t include blogging in their content marketing strategy.

Wray Ward works with many clients that use a blog to drive website traffic, promote products and services, build trust, generate and nurture leads, and more. Whether to date blog posts is a question that occasionally crops up when we’re planning a content marketing program or evaluating an existing effort. But cruise owned content on the internet, and you’ll likely see a healthy mix of blog posts that have a date and posts that do not. In fact, including a date is a hotly, if sneakily debated, topic.

So, should you date your blog posts?


If you don’t include a publication date on your blog posts, it’s time to reconsider. Here are a few reasons.

Dates provide critical context.

As a user, I find a blog post without a date almost as frustrating as a blog post that’s poorly written or generally unhelpful. If I don’t know whether the content is five days, five months or five years old, how do I know whether the information is still relevant? For example, if I’m reading a blog post about the impending death of third-party cookies and the blog doesn’t have a date, how am I supposed to know whether the cookies are dead or alive? Are the changes coming soon, or have they already happened?

(Speaking of third-party cookies, take our approach to this evolving issue, discussed in a blog post originally published in 2020. Including the original publication date gives our readers a basic timeline for the death of the third-party cookie. Furthermore, adding a brief statement at the top with the date of the most recent changes signals to readers that the post is still correct, even though it first hit the internet a couple of years ago.)

Good evergreen content doesn’t expire as a gallon of milk does. Instead of hiding behind your “old” blog posts by excluding the dates, extend the posts’ shelf life by periodically reviewing them, especially those that still drive a healthy amount of organic traffic, and making updates where needed. That content you created seemingly ages ago will feed your business like a slow-release fertilizer, while your users will get the information they need right now. Everyone wins.

Everything can’t be time-sensitive.

Imagine if all of your content addressed the right here, right now. Trade show recaps, market trends and product introductions are great, but what happens when those trade shows, trends and products become old news?

This is why I recommend a healthy mix of evergreen and timely content. Your ideal blend will depend on your business objectives, industry landscape and more, and an editorial content strategy will determine it for you. But if you don’t know where to start, 80% evergreen and 20% timely is a good rule of thumb. This will allow you to participate in whatever conversation’s happening right now while continuously filling the funnel with people looking for solutions you’re equipped to provide. Consider that a great post can drive organic traffic and earn backlinks for years.

Are there ever exceptions?

If you publish new content so rarely that years-old posts lurk near or at the top of your blog landing page, OK. In this case, it may be best to position the blog section of your site as a repository of evergreen resources. If nothing else, doing so will help relieve pressure on your team to create new content.

But if this describes your situation, ask yourself why you don’t publish owned content more regularly. Similar to organic social media, a blog isn’t a marketing tactic you can nail by moonlighting. That’s because successful content marketing takes more than a haphazard, when-we-have-time approach.

A thoughtfully designed content marketing strategy will help you create the right content, for the right people, and share it in the right places, at the right time. Furthermore, blogging is one of the most cost-effective, efficient ways to reach your target audience and optimize your site for search engines.

Remember, if you’re there for your audience when they have a challenge, they won’t care if you publish weekly. They mainly care about getting the information they need, when they need it, and having a good user experience.

Want to give your content calendar a kickstart? Read my post describing 14 content types to supercharge your blog.

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