Inspire Video Series: A Sister’s Love and a Rare Tale

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    August 21, 2018

Inspire Video Series: A Sister’s Love and a Rare Tale


Our Inspire video series is the story behind the talent at Wray Ward — their passion projects, their care and love for others or their fight for something meaningful. It’s a chance for us to share our own people and the experiences that shape them in a special way. It’s also our chance to motivate others to discover a new passion or follow a longtime dream. To do something life-changing or even world-changing.

I’m excited to share the second chapter of Inspire, featuring our content lead, Laura King Edwards. As content lead, Laura spends her days telling our clients’ stories. She uses her gift for words to write creative blog posts, thought-provoking white papers and inspirational newsletter content that connects our customers’ brands with their consumers. When she heads home at the end of each day, she immerses herself in telling another story — that of her sister, Taylor, whose rare disease diagnosis spurred in Laura a fight for her little sister’s life, and a mission of hope for others. Laura’s story, from founding a charity and running a half marathon blindfolded to writing a book about her family’s journey, is the amazing narrative of a sister’s love. It has inspired everyone at Wray Ward, and we’re excited to share it with you.

Our newest Inspire video joins our feature on Dave Haire, designer, musician, dad. Over the coming months, we’ll share more stories in this video series that we hope give you a glimpse behind our doors and peek at the passions that fuel us.

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