Good News from Las Vegas Furniture Market

  • Categories:

    Industry Trends

  • Date:

    February 6, 2014

Good News from Las Vegas Furniture Market

Industry Trends

There is very good news coming from this year’s Las Vegas Furniture Market – and it starts with attendance being up 21 percent.

That’s a huge jump in one year, driven across the board by rising attendance in home décor, furniture and gifts categories. The gift category had the most room to grow and it did, by 90 percent.

The market itself also grew in size in 2014. 850,000 square-feet of space were added to this year’s market, with 350,000 new square-feet devoted to furniture exhibitors.

In addition to chatter about the growing crowds, four trends are dominating the post-market conversation:

  • Color
  • Millennials and their effect on the industry
  • Step-up goods
  • Bedding innovations

The positive response at Las Vegas Market bodes well for the housewares and furniture industries in 2014. We look forward to seeing what trends emerge during High Point Market in April.

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