FORM: The First Stop on the Road to My Future

  • Categories:

    Agency Life, Inspiration, Public Relations

  • Date:

    July 23, 2024

FORM: The First Stop on the Road to My Future

Agency Life Inspiration Public Relations

One morning about six weeks into my FORM internship at Wray Ward, it occurred to me that I skipped entering 2317 Thrift Road into Google Maps. Without realizing it, I had become confident enough to drive to work without directions. And somewhere along the way, much like my daily commute, my career path had slowly become clearer.

I began this marketing internship full of hope yet fearful of the future, because I was unsure of the exact profession I wanted to pursue or what lay ahead on the path.

With every assignment, accomplished goal and formed connection, I felt better about my path to the future. I still don’t have it all figured out, but for the first time, I know I am headed in the right direction.

Small Changes With a Lasting Impact

During that momentous first navigational app–free drive, I couldn’t help but reminisce on what else had changed within my first six weeks at Wray Ward.

The employee door where I once stood awkwardly, waiting for someone to let me in, now opens with my fingerprint.

Deadlines that crowded my early to-do list became tangible work that makes me proud and excited to share it.

An unsettling sense of imposter syndrome is a distant memory, replaced by affirmations — because I can do this.

Coworkers are friends. Nerves are tranquil. Doubt gave way to confidence.

It’s true: By July, I’d found comfort in my summer internship’s ever-changing environment. I thrived on a busy calendar. And, even in moments when I couldn’t find confidence in myself, I felt other’s confidence in me. That support made me feel as if I could take on any task.

At Wray Ward, I’ve gotten assignments that should have scared me. Been immersed in real work. Published blog posts. Written news releases. Brainstormed content ideas. Attended photo and video shoots. Emailed prospects. Managed Instagram accounts.

I’ve done new things, covering products and services I never knew existed. But somehow, with the support of a team that wanted me to succeed, I’ve jumped headfirst into each project, giving it my all while rejecting past ill-fated pursuits of perfection.

Letting go of the unachievable — flawlessness — provided me the freedom to take risks, make mistakes and thrive on feedback from the best of the best.

Final Thoughts

Earlier this summer, my FORM teammates and I took the CliftonStrengths talent assessment to learn our top five strengths. In doing so, I found that the characteristics about myself that I once feared as weaknesses are viewed as assets at Wray Ward. “People-pleasing” is celebrated as adaptability. “Oversensitivity” is recognized as empathy. “Restlessness” is a strength that allows me to work on multiple projects at one time. Meanwhile, by learning more about the way each of us thinks and works, the FORM 2024 interns have been able to work together in harmony, relying on our teammates’ strengths to reach a collective goal.

This, I’ve learned, is what sets Wray Ward apart. The agency is a group of individuals — all with different talents, skills, strengths and weaknesses — who comes together to support, lift and inspire one another. Even if a piece of work is touched by many different people, no one feels more or less important than the person before them.

Wray Ward is a team environment where each member feels valued and needed — even the interns.

Moving forward, I can complete my senior year of college with confidence that I am on the right path. I can embrace the future rather than fear it.

I feel beyond grateful for the internship experience I’ve had and am confident that the knowledge I’ve gained and the relationships I’ve developed throughout FORM will help me immeasurably throughout my career.

It has been an honor to work with such talented individuals every day, and I couldn’t have done it without the overwhelming sense of trust and support that I’ve felt from my supervisor and team members.

When I realized that they did not doubt me, I could no longer doubt myself.

To learn more about this internship, including how to apply, visit the FORM website.

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